The only way to better life – education!
This is the motto for abc-Gesellschaft's work in South America, Asia, and Africa.
The construction of schools is one of our 3 mainactivities, along with teacher training andadult literacy.
A billion people can neither read nor write. Many millions of children have no school, and often work under wretched conditions merely to survive.
In many countries, there is a lack of qualified teachers. abc-Gesellschaft wants to help break the vicious
circle of ignorance and exploitation, poverty, hunger,
illness and deprivation.
Since 1984, abc-Gesellschaft has been helping people to create better conditions, thus leading to a self-determined, successful life.
About our 3 main activities:
1. School construction
abc-Gesellschaft has built
- eight schools in Malawi: one preschool for orphans, three primary schools, four secondary schools and 20 teachers' houses
- our current project: the construction of the ninth school in Malawi
- a large school centre in Ecuador with a nursery school, a primary and a secondary school with workshops for carpenters, jewellers and tailors, a millinery and a school farm
- an primary school in Nepal for the children of parents with leprosy
- a nursery school, a primary school and a training centre and residential block for teachers 2005 in the Tamil region of Sri Lanka after the 2004 Tsunami
Construction of the Native American University
Together with CONAIE, the Confederation of Indigenous Nations
of Ecuador, abc-Gesellschaft built, equipped and opened South
America's first Native American University in 2002, counting on three falculties:
Law, Agro-Ecology, and Pedagogy.
2. Teacher training
In many countries in Asia, Africa, and South America, Franz-Josef Kuhn, President of abc-Gesellschaft, has held hundreds of seminars and workshops.
abc-Gesellschaft founded the “Teacher-Travel-Academies” in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru, training 32,000 teachers
in one-week seminars in the theory and practice of
school reform.
Many have begun to teach in a pupil- and action-oriented
manner. The corresponding didactic materials were manufactured in workshops by street children.
3. Adult literacy
Based on the ideas of Paulo Freire — the “process of acquisition of conscious awareness”,abc-Gesellschaft has developed and produced methods and materials for large literacy campaigns in Bolivia and Ecuador, in the Quechua, Aymara, Guarani and Spanish languages, enabling many thousands of Native Americans to learn to read and write: an important condition for social integration and the incremental elimination of their greatest fears and problems, while preserving their own culture.
Thank very much for your interest!
Yours Franz-Josef Kuhn
President abc-Gesellschaft e.V.